Unlocking the Power of Upskilled Java for Your DevOps Team

February 16, 2024

How Upskill Java Upskills Your DevOps Team

Upskill java is an online learning website with premium quality training videos on skills for a career in programming. Lessons are taught by experienced teachers who explain complex concepts in surprisingly simple terms.

Continuous learning is not just an option; it’s a necessity for technology professionals in today’s ever-changing technology landscape. Upskilling ensures that software engineers stay ahead of the curve by embracing new trends and technologies.

1. Increased Job Satisfaction

The tech industry moves at a breakneck pace, forcing professionals to continuously upskill to keep up. Upskilling also enables employees to adapt to shifts in job requirements, reducing the risk of being replaced by automation or other technology innovations. Keeping up with new trends and technologies can help you advance in your career and boost overall job satisfaction. For example, learning Java helps you expand your skill set and make your software development more versatile. This will not only improve the efficiency of your work but also allow you to develop innovative products that can meet changing customer demands and market trends. By keeping up with the latest developments in Java, you can stay ahead of the competition and maintain a competitive edge.

Moreover, upskilling allows you to build new skills and competencies that will enhance your resume and give you better opportunities to land more lucrative jobs in the future.

2. Increased Employability

The ability to keep pace with an ever-changing technology landscape is critical for your software development team’s success. Upskilling is a great way to help your developers stay relevant and competitive in the job market by offering them opportunities for professional growth and career advancement. It also demonstrates your commitment to their continued learning and shows that you value their career satisfaction. Additionally, it helps your team members collaborate more effectively with other stakeholders, including frontend developers, DevOps engineers, and QA testers. This can result in improved project workflows, increased productivity and a more streamlined delivery process. It can also help you future-proof your projects against industry disruptions and shifting market demands.

3. Improved Performance

Upskilling java skills means your team can meet performance targets more easily. Not only can you optimize performance by squeezing the most out of every clock-cycle’s tick, but you can also adapt to new technology trends and tools more quickly, giving your DevOps team an edge. Continuous learning makes your team more flexible, allowing you to quickly and efficiently respond to changes in your industry or your customer’s requirements. This agility can lead to better project results and increased business growth.

4. Increased Security

Keeping your team’s java skills up to date will help you keep your applications secure from common security threats. Java is a very robust programming language and provides numerous security features that prevent hacking attempts. These include execution within a restricted sandbox and cross-platform compatibility. Additionally, newer versions of java introduce performance optimizations that can improve application speed and reduce infrastructure costs. This helps teams meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality software. It also future-proofs your applications from changes in technology.

5. Future-Proofing

Upskilling your tech workers is vital to ensure they can keep up with the rapidly changing technology landscape. It also helps to boost employee morale, increasing retention rates.

A well-trained developer can collaborate more effectively with other team members, including frontend developers, DevOps engineers, and QA testers. This can help streamline project workflows and foster innovation.

With cybersecurity threats on the rise, an upskilled Java developer can stay ahead of the curve and protect your business from security breaches. Additionally, upskilling can allow your developers to take advantage of performance optimizations that are made available with new versions of the language and runtime environment.

While no programming language can remain on top forever — COBOL and FORTRAN are dinosaurs after all — Java has a lot going for it.

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Upskilling: Building New Skills for a Competitive Job Market

December 24, 2023

How to Upskill Jobs

Upskilling involves learning new skills to improve or expand upon your current role. It’s different from reskilling, which involves learning new skills to prepare for a completely new career path.

Upskilling is a good option for employees looking to future-proof their careers. For example, Penn LPS Online offers a 4-course Ivy League upskill certificate to help working professionals build in-demand professional skills.

Digital skills

Digital skills have become essential for many jobs in the modern workplace. These skills help people use technology to perform tasks and communicate with other employees. These skills can include using communication applications, such as email and instant messaging platforms; knowing how to conduct online research; and navigating websites.

Upskilling your digital skills can give you a competitive advantage in the job market. It can also help you develop a strong foundation for learning new technologies in the future. This can help you future-proof your career and prepare for any technological changes in the workplace.

Employers are looking for a wide range of skills in their new hires, including digital skills. This is because they want their new team members to be able to navigate the changing technological landscape. In addition, upskilling can also help address the diversity gap in tech companies. According to a study conducted by Burning Glass, black employees in US businesses are less likely to reach leadership positions than their white counterparts. This is largely because they lack digital skills that can get them up the ranks.

Analytical skills

Analytical skills are welcome in a wide range of industries, from data-driven positions like software engineering or data science to non-data roles like project management and marketing. It’s important to highlight your analytical abilities in the professional history section of your resume, but describing specific examples of how you use your analytical thinking is even better. For example, a job applicant could describe how they used their research skills to prepare a highly accurate sales forecast.

The best way to strengthen your analytical abilities is to actively practice them. This can include everything from reading industry-specific articles to finding a mentor who can help you develop your analytical skills. Creativity is also key when it comes to analytical thinking, as it helps you think outside of the box and create solutions that might not have been obvious to you initially. This type of thinking can be the difference between standing out in a competitive job market and failing to land an interview.

Communication skills

Communication skills are an important aspect of any job and help individuals connect with others in a workplace setting. They involve various aspects such as active listening, clarity, non-verbal communication and empathy. They can be used to promote positive interactions and harmonious relationships in the workplace, as well as provide career growth opportunities.

These soft skills are vital for upskilling jobs, especially as companies shift to remote work and hybrid models. Employees need to be able to communicate with their teams and clients effectively to remain productive. This can be done by providing them with training resources such as process infographics and mentorship programs.

Upskilling helps employees stay relevant in a dynamic job market and develop skills that will make them more valuable to their employers. Upskilling also provides workers with the confidence to take on new roles and challenges. For those interested in learning more about soft skills, the LEAD 1010 course from Penn LPS Online is an excellent resource.

Teamwork skills

Whether it’s construction, sales, or marketing, most types of work require a team to get the job done. This is why good teamwork skills are so important! They include being able to communicate clearly in both written and verbal form, working well with others and sharing ideas, collaborating to achieve goals, and constructively resolving conflict.

These are all soft critical skills highly valued by employers. When demonstrating your teamwork skills in an interview, be sure to highlight examples of your successes with a team. Using concrete numbers and metrics, such as the number of targets you’ve hit within team settings or key projects delivered on time or ahead of schedule, can help to demonstrate your competence.

Interested in developing your teamwork skills further? Enquire about our range of courses and start upskilling your career today! We offer a variety of short and long courses, online and in-person. We have something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a short course to change your career direction or to build on existing skill sets, our programmes will help you to take the next step in your career.

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Unleashing the Thrills: Live Soccer Broadcasting Connecting Fans Worldwide

December 20, 2023

Soccer, or football as it’s known in most parts of the world, is more than just a sport; it’s a universal language that speaks to the passion and excitement of millions. Across continents and cultures, there’s one aspect that remains a consistent thrill for fans: live soccer broadcasting, known in Korean as 축구중계.

Imagine this: The stadium roars to life, echoing the collective heartbeat of the spectators. As the players trot onto the pitch, each stride resonates with the anticipation of the crowd. This isn’t just a game; it’s a dramatic display of athleticism, strategy, and on-the-fly decision-making that can turn the tides of the match in one swift, deft move.

Now, let’s bring that visceral excitement right to your comfy couch. Thanks to the wonders of live broadcasting, you can catch every dribble, tackle, and goal from the comfort of your own home. With modern technology, 축구중계 has transcended borders, allowing fans to follow their favorite teams and players from anywhere in the world. This seamless connection has done wonders for the sport’s popularity, forging a sense of community among fans regardless of geographical distances.

The beauty of soccer lies not only in the raw emotions it provokes but also in the sheer unpredictability of the game. One moment you’re on the edge of your seat as a striker lines up a seemingly impossible shot; the next, you’re leaping in joy as the ball finds the back of the net. This element of surprise is what makes every match a unique narrative waiting to unfold, and it is what keeps fans coming back for more.

As the match progresses, so does the connection between players and fans. Through every pass and sprint, supporters feel a kinship with their team, riding the highs and lows like waves in an ocean of collective excitement. It’s this emotional investment that makes live soccer broadcasting such an intense and rewarding experience.

To wrap it up, the power of 축구중계 cannot be overstated. It has the exceptional ability to bring people together, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual passion. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a casual observer, the thrill of live soccer is an experience that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.


What is the meaning of 축구중계?
축구중계 translates to “live soccer broadcasting” in English, and it refers to the live coverage of soccer matches that can be watched on various media platforms.

How has 축구중계 impacted the popularity of soccer?
Live soccer broadcasting has made the sport accessible to a global audience, increasing its popularity by allowing fans to follow games in real-time, regardless of their location.

Can I watch international soccer leagues through 축구중계?
Yes, 축구중계 usually covers a wide range of international soccer leagues, allowing fans to watch matches from different countries and teams around the world.

What makes watching soccer through 축구중계 a unique experience?
The immediacy and excitement of live action, the ability to witness every moment as it happens, and the sense of community with other fans create a unique and engaging viewing experience.

Are there any specific devices required for 축구중계?
No specific device is required; you can watch live soccer broadcasts on a variety of devices such as televisions, computers, smartphones, and tablets, as long as you have an internet connection or access to a broadcaster that shows the match.…

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The Digital Utopia of 메이저놀이터

November 30, 2023

Imagine this: You’re on a quest for the ultimate online gaming playground—a place where excitement meets the comfort of home and where every click brings new adventures. Welcome to the mesmerizing world of 메이저놀이터, the haven where gamers and entertainment seekers converge to experience the thrill of premium digital exhilaration.

The pursuit of digital perfection leads us down a path to 메이저놀이터—a term that echoes through the vibrant corridors of the internet as a beacon of quality gaming environments. But what defines such a space? Is it the seamless interface or the vast array of games that captivate the senses? Let’s delve into the elements that make 메이저놀이터 not just any playground, but the playground.

Venturing deep into this digital realm, we encounter the cornerstone of 메이저놀이터: security. A fortress shielding its inhabitants from the outside storm of cyber threats, providing a sanctuary where one can indulge in gaming escapades without the shadow of anxiety looming overhead. Every keystroke in this territory is protected, every account safeguarded with advanced encryption, and each transaction veiled in anonymity and discretion.

Beyond security lies diversity, and 메이저놀이터 does not disappoint. Like an infinity mirror reflecting endless possibilities, it offers a spectrum of games. From the adrenaline-pumping action of online shooters to the strategic depths of board games reborn in pixels, the selection is crafted to cater to the eclectic tastes of the digital populace. This is the place where novices and veterans alike find their niche, exploring genres and titles that resonate with their unique cravings for digital entertainment.

Engagement is the lifeblood of 메이저놀이터. Here, interactivity weaves its way into every aspect of the platform. Players don’t just experience games; they live them. Through community forums, live chats, and competitive leaderboards, a sense of camaraderie is fostered—a digital tribe that thrives on mutual support, shared victories, and friendly rivalry.

Customer support—the unsung hero of the 메이저놀이터 environment. The presence of responsive help centers and knowledgeable assistants can transform an ordinary gaming session into a remarkable one. They stand as vigilant sentinels, ready to guide users through technical mazes or provide the much-needed advice to enhance their gaming journey.

Convenience is engrained in the 메이저놀이터 ethos. To wade through this microcosm of joy is to experience ease with every action. Global accessibility, intuitive design, and adaptable interfaces converge to create user-friendly zones that welcome all demographics, regardless of their technical proficiency.

As our exploration reaches its zenith, we find ourselves enthralled by the coalescence of these elements—a symphony composed of digital notes that form the epic that is 메이저놀이터. This is more than just a moniker; it is a seal of excellence, a testament to a commitment towards enriching the gaming experience.

As we depart from this digital odyssey, let’s address some questions that might linger in the minds of prospective adventurers:

1. **What makes 메이저놀이터 stand out from other gaming platforms?**
메이저놀이터 distinguishes itself through robust security measures, a diverse assortment of games, immersive community engagement, stellar customer support, and user-centric convenience.

2. **Is 메이저놀이터 suitable for players of all ages?**
While the platform caters to a wide audience, certain games may have age restrictions in place to ensure appropriate content for all users.

3. **How does 메이저놀이터 ensure the security of its users?**
메이저놀이터 employs advanced encryption technology, secure servers, and stringent verification processes to protect user data and transactions.

4. **Can users from different countries access 메이저놀이터?**
Yes, 메이저놀이터 is designed to be globally accessible, offering various language options and accommodating players from many countries.

5. **Are there community-driven features on 메이저놀이터?**
Absolutely. 메이저놀이터 boasts community forums, live chat features, and competitive events to foster a sense of camaraderie among its users.

In the end, 메이저놀이터 is not just a term; it’s an emblematic crest that crowns the epitome of online gaming excellence—a digital utopia where every moment is laced with the pure joy of play. So go ahead, take the leap into the digital vastness, and let 메이저놀이터 be the ground beneath your feat of entertainment mastery. For when you land, you’ll find yourself in a place where legendary gaming stories unfold—one click at a time.…

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Boosting Productivity and Customer Satisfaction with Upskilling and Reskilling

November 12, 2023

Upskilling and Reskilling Employees Boosts Productivity and Customer Satisfaction

With top talent looking for growth-focused companies, it’s important to create learning experiences that make training stick. Upskilling and reskilling employees can help you keep them engaged.

While perks like stretch assignments and promotions are great, a company can upskill its employees by providing on-the-job training. This helps to fill knowledge gaps, improve productivity and boost morale.

Retaining Employees

In a startup, employees are key to success. They are the ones who will help your business respond to changing market conditions and boost customer satisfaction. That’s why it is crucial to retain them. You can do this by showing them that you care about their success and growth. This can be done through a number of ways, such as providing empathy or ensuring they have the tools they need to be successful.

Upskilling can also help you diversify your workforce by training existing workers to move into new roles rather than hiring externally. This allows your team to absorb training faster and improves productivity by removing bottlenecks. Plus, it reduces employee turnover and helps you keep pace with technological change. You can even offer career development programs that give employees a chance to earn credentials for their newly acquired skills.

Boosting Productivity

Productivity is essential for startups, and there are several ways to boost it. One way is by incentivizing employees. Another is by implementing processes. This can include creating standardized procedures for certain tasks, which can help employees work faster and more efficiently. This can also reduce the number of errors, which can improve customer satisfaction.

Upskilling can also be an effective way to increase productivity. This can be done by allowing employees to move into different roles within the company or by training them in new skills. This can save time and money, which is especially important for startups.

Upskilling can also be an effective tool for increasing employee retention. Studies have shown that employees who feel valued by their employers stay longer. By offering training opportunities, such as the tracks on Hyperskill, startups can give their employees a reason to stay.

Boosting Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a critical factor for startups. Satisfied customers are more likely to return to your business, and they are also more likely to promote your products or services through word of mouth.

Upskilling helps boost customer satisfaction by enabling employees to respond to customer questions and concerns more effectively. Additionally, upskilling helps employees understand how their work impacts customers, which can improve overall service delivery.

Employees are also more satisfied when they know their company values their professional growth. This is why it’s important for startups to offer opportunities to grow their skills and knowledge, such as through stretch assignments or promotions. Yashvi is a dynamic content creator with 5+ years of experience crafting thoughtful, value-packed content for various global audiences. She currently creates content for EdTech brands, specializing in tech, finance, healthcare and B2B topics.

Boosting Morale

When employees feel a company is invested in their career development, they are more likely to stay and become more productive. This can help reduce costs related to employee turnover and recruiting new workers.

This is why it’s important to communicate regularly with employees, letting them know how their efforts are helping the company meet its objectives. It’s also essential to give monetary performance-based incentives like raises and bonuses when possible, as these can significantly boost morale.

In addition to offering learning opportunities, companies can offer career advancement, such as bumping a junior specialist into a senior role with more responsibilities. This helps employees feel valued and can help them keep their motivation high, even in the face of layoffs or a recession. A startup can also create a culture of upskilling by offering training programs that lead to certifications or other credentials, such as GrowthSpace.

Boosting Growth

Upskilling and reskilling help startups adapt to the changing technology landscape. It also helps them stay ahead of the competition by equipping employees with coveted skills that are in high demand.

Upgrading employee skill sets is a great way to boost morale and productivity. It can also help with retention because employees who feel a company supports their career growth are more likely to stick around.

It can also save on hiring costs, as it is more cost-effective to train a team member to fill an open position than to find a new hire. Plus, training internally reduces turnover, which is vital to a startup’s bottom line. Moreover, upskilling can be a great tool to help companies with their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts as well.

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The Importance of Upskilling for Career Progression and Employee Satisfaction

November 3, 2023

Why Upskilling Opportunities Are Crucial to Career Progression

Upskilling opportunities are crucial to employee satisfaction and career progression. Employees want to feel that their company is invested in their professional growth, and upskilling can be a great way to show this.

Analytical skills, such as data science and research analysis, are in high demand. Upskilling your employees in these areas can make your organization more competitive and improve your job candidates’ employment prospects.

1. Boost employee satisfaction

A big part of employee satisfaction stems from a feeling that they have a clear career path at work. Offering upskilling opportunities lets employees know that their company cares about their professional development and helps them feel like there is always something new to learn.

Additionally, a lot of workers have lost jobs due to the pandemic and the rapid shift toward automation, so reskilling and upskilling offers them the opportunity to pivot into different roles that they may find more rewarding. Upskilling also enables employees to earn new certifications and postsecondary degrees, allowing them to advance their careers and get higher salaries.

Furthermore, happy employees are more likely to be engaged and do a better job. This translates to higher client satisfaction and loyalty, as well. Plus, upskilling keeps employees updated on the latest trends and technologies in their industry, enabling them to deliver valuable insights and recommendations to clients. In addition, it reduces employee turnover and training costs, as companies have a higher return on investment when they offer ongoing training opportunities.

2. Increase productivity

Learning new skills can be a powerful tool for increasing productivity. New skills can help employees perform more complex tasks or develop more robust solutions, and they can also improve employee morale. In addition, when employees can show that their new skills have increased productivity, they may be able to make a case for a raise or increase in pay.

The key is to offer upskilling opportunities that are relevant to your business objectives and current job roles. This differs from reskilling, which is about developing the skills needed to change jobs or careers within your organization. As the World Economic Forum predicts that 85 million jobs will be replaced by technology by 2025, reskilling becomes more important than ever.

Offering upskilling opportunities that are aligned with your future goals is a great way to boost productivity and retain top talent. Learn how to upskill your employees by enrolling them in Penn LPS Online’s 4-course Ivy League Upskill Certificate.

3. Create a more diverse workforce

Building a diverse workforce is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. But upskilling employees gives companies the chance to enrich their diversity efforts from within, without displacing existing workers.

For example, professional services leader PricewaterhouseCoopers offers its employees a series of digital upskilling courses that help them advance in their careers and build the tech skills they need to compete in the future economy. These programs create a growth mindset among employees, which in turn bleeds into the company’s broader culture and work ethos.

Upskilling opportunities also make it easier for older employees to develop their careers, avoiding the threat of being left behind as technology changes the workplace. This internal mobility also benefits women, who disproportionately leave their jobs to take care of family members. Initiatives like returnships, in which professionals who’ve taken a break for caregiving responsibilities re-enter the workforce, are another way upskilling supports gender diversity in technology teams.

4. Boost employee retention

Employees want to know that their employer cares about their professional progression. Upskilling helps employees feel like there is a future for them at the company, which can boost morale and increase productivity.

It also saves the company money in recruitment costs, as it can rely on its internal talent pool rather than external candidates. Furthermore, upskilling creates a pipeline of digitally savvy employees that can be utilized in the future as the company grows and changes.

Upskilling is especially beneficial when it aligns with an employee’s career goals. For example, an entry-level employee may want to one day work their way up to a management position. Upskilling can help them achieve this goal by training them in the skills that are required for managerial roles. This is particularly important because the workforce is rapidly evolving and jobs are becoming obsolete. This means that companies are increasingly prioritizing upskilling opportunities for their employees. This is especially true for millennials and Gen Z workers, who are more interested in growth opportunities than other factors, such as salaries.

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Bridging the Gap Between Employers and Workforce in Houston

October 29, 2023

UpSkill Houston Forum Series

While Houston has strong economic fundamentals, there is a gap between employers’ needs and workforce availability. The Greater Houston Partnership, leveraging employer leadership, established Upskill Houston in 2014 to develop a robust pipeline of talent for middle-skill careers that pay livable wages.

Learn more about how this business model is working in Houston from Partnership senior vice president of regional workforce development Peter Beard in the attached workforce development playbook.

Career Pathways

In Houston, thousands of jobs are available that offer lucrative wages, great quality of life and require only two years or less of education or training. Career Pathways connect high school and community college students to those opportunities by connecting their interests, aptitudes, and learning styles with career fields that need them. Pathways help students visualize careers, connect them to courses they can take now, and provide real-world experiences. To start exploring career pathways, explore the Curriculum & Registration Guide and speak to your counselors or pathway coordinators.

Businesses are working alongside the community and education sectors to prepare Houstonians for careers that will lead to livable wages and lasting careers. Through industry-led collaborations, the initiative is addressing the information and resources barriers, along with structural and institutional challenges that contribute to the middle skills gap of occupations that require education and skills beyond a high school diploma but less than a four-year degree. Through a business-led approach that puts employers at the center of collaborative efforts, UpSkill Houston has proven itself as a model for other communities seeking to build sustainable talent pipelines.

Employer Partnerships

To compete globally, businesses require a talented workforce. In response to this challenge, Greater Houston Partnership – with employer leadership – established UpSkill Houston and Houston Back on Track, jobs-first initiatives focused on building talent pipelines in high-demand occupations in the industries that drive the region’s economy.

To do this, the Partnership focuses on engaging employers to prioritize occupations and align their efforts with education and community stakeholders. This approach provides a structure, resources and convening opportunities to foster collaboration among business, education, and community-based social service organizations.

Upskilling enables workers to learn new skills that improve their job performance, increase productivity and reduce costs through more efficient and effective processes. It also increases employee engagement and retention when employees know that their employer is invested in their professional development. The Partnership employs a business-model called Talent Pipeline Management (TPM) to support and amplify this work. This model builds regional leadership coalitions to prioritize industries, develop career pathways and identify education and community partnerships that are demand driven.

Community Engagement

The Forum Series features conversations with regional business, education and community leaders along with high profile thought leaders on key workforce issues facing the Houston region. This event series supports and advances the UpSkill Houston initiative’s work to help employers identify the skills they need for workers to be successful, provide relevant information about careers and pathways and drive effective career guidance.

The Greater Houston Partnership partnered with local educators and community organizations to launch UpSkill Houston, an employer led initiative that connects people to careers in middle skill jobs – occupations that require more than a high school diploma but less than a four year college degree. The goal is to increase economic opportunity and mobility for area families by focusing on attracting, training and employing individuals into these in-demand occupations. During the first forum, panelists Andrea Hodge (TRIO Electric), Tammy Newman (JPMorgan Chase) and David King (INEOS) shared their in-house apprenticeship programs that support career re-skilling for individuals and create talent pipelines for industry.

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McKinsey’s Upskilling Initiative: Bridging the Skills Gap for Career Advancement

October 25, 2023

Upskilling at McKinsey

Upskilling is a key workplace trend that facilitates continuous learning and helps employees advance in their careers. It also helps close the digital talent gap and allows companies to fill jobs with specialized skillsets.

Upskilling is different from reskilling, which involves teaching new skills that help an employee perform their current job more effectively. Upskilling is often facilitated by training programs, such as courses offered by Penn LPS online and mentorship programs.

What are the key drivers?

The world of work is in a state of epochal transition. Digitization, automation, and advances in artificial intelligence are transforming jobs. By 2030, as many as 375 million people—or 14 percent of the global workforce—will have to switch occupations or acquire new skills.

In a McKinsey survey, 87 percent of executives reported having skill gaps in their workforces. But fewer than half of them had a clear strategy for filling these gaps.

To win the talent battle, companies need to accelerate their reskilling and upskilling efforts. Leaders who succeed in this arena have a sharp view of the talent required to build future value and are intentional about finding both top talent and adaptable learners.

They also use digital talent-marketplace platforms to connect supply and demand. They design learning journeys that can help displaced workers find new career paths. And they make reskilling and upskilling an integral part of their corporate social-impact programs. Michael Chui is a partner in the San Francisco office, Mena Issler is an associate partner, Roger Roberts is a senior partner, and Lareina Yee is a senior partner.

What are the skills gaps?

The COVID-19 pandemic brought skill gaps to the forefront, and respondents now recognize that filling them is more urgent than ever. They are more likely to cite reskilling as their most important action to take than they were in the run-up to the pandemic (Exhibit 1).

Companies need to focus on future skills—those that already exist, like agile working and digital interaction, or will develop over time, such as blockchain technology development. They must also address current skills gaps by focusing on training that will enable employees to perform their jobs more effectively, particularly soft skills, which are critical as distributed teams become common.

In order to identify which areas of their workforce require more training, companies need to conduct a capability gap analysis. This is a process that requires a mix of tactics, including reskilling, retraining, and providing more learning opportunities. It is essential that the right training is provided to employees, as failing to do so can lead to a decline in performance.

What are the learning opportunities?

McKinsey offers many opportunities to learn throughout your career, starting with our One Firm Onboarding program, which you can tailor based on the areas of development you want to focus on. You’ll also have access to a broad range of online and experiential learning programs — some are self-directed and others, like our Tech Week, help you build new skills through a combination of immersive experiences and online resources.

You’ll be thrown into the deep end your first few engagements, but don’t worry — your colleagues are always available to help. And if you get stuck, there’s our global Helpdesk — the rule is to call them for any IT issue or Excel question that can’t be solved by asking your colleague. And of course, you’ll have countless conversations with clients where you can apply what you’re learning. The result is a continuous cycle of improvement and development — one of the reasons why ex-McKinsey consultants are so highly sought after on the job market.

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Hello world!

October 16, 2023

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!…

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